Thursday, June 30, 2022

Baltimore Adventure Day 1 - Arriving and Eating

This weekend we're enjoying a getaway to Baltimore with J. and A. We're hoping to get in some hiking and exploring of Baltimore's inner harbor. My adventure started in Arlington, when I used the Metro to head west to meet up with Shira. This was my first time using the Silver Line and it was awesome. In this case it saved me a hefty priced Uber fare. I'm not sure when we'd use it on a regular basis, but it's definitely a valuable resource that I expect to put to use in the future.

Once Shira picked me up at the Metro station, we crawled along in traffic and eventually made it to downtown Baltimore. We picked up J. and A. and walked back to our hotel appreciating all the cool old buildings that Baltimore has to offer.

For dinner, we picked up Thai at Charming Elephant and had a picnic at nearby Patterson Park. The Vegan Namh Khao was delish! After eating, we explored the park a bit and then called it a night.

Tomorrow we have a fun hike planned, but for now, our biggest challenge is convincing the kids to get some sleep.

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Photo Shootout: Bulky Phone vs Bulky Camera

In my last post I suggested that the Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra's camera was a step up from previous phones I'd owned. The most obvious improvement was the inclusion of a functional telephoto lens. So can I stop hauling around my heavy Canon T6s with 75-300mm lens?

Let's take a look. Here's some pics from a recent blueberry picking expedition we enjoyed at Butler's Orchard. Note that each photo is annotated with the device that shot it.

Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra
Canon EOS Rebel T6s, Canon 75-300mm
Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra
Canon EOS Rebel T6s, Canon 75-300mm
Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra
Canon EOS Rebel T6s, Canon 75-300mm
Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra
Canon EOS Rebel T6s, Canon 75-300mm
Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra
Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra
Canon EOS Rebel T6s, Canon 75-300mm
Canon EOS Rebel T6s, Canon 75-300mm
Canon EOS Rebel T6s, Canon 75-300mm
Canon EOS Rebel T6s, Canon 75-300mm
Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra
Canon EOS Rebel T6s, Canon 75-300mm

I see two ways to look at these photos.

On one hand, the Canon with its 300mm lens definitely has more reach than 10x zoom on the S22. The Rebel's photos also seem less digitally processed to me. Finally, I was able to snap pics of the soaring turkey vulture with the DSLR that I didn't even attempt with my Galaxy. So yeah, the Canon T6s continues to outperform my cell phone.

On the other hand, the Samsung let's me tell essential the same story with the photos that the Canon did, all while fitting in my pocket. For example, I wasn't able to zoom in quite as tight in the bee pics using the phone, but I still got close enough and clear enough photos to see the expression on the child's face as he peered into the bee hive.

Also, I can clearly see room for improvement in the Rebel's pic quality; they aren't are sharp as I'd like. I'm not sure whether there are settings I need to tweak, or if it's time to consider a lens or body upgrade. If I factor in convenience and consider how close the phone came to matching the DSLR, I could argue that the Samsung won the day.

Alas, I think the answer to my original question continues to be 'no.' No, I can't opt to leave the DSLR at home and expect to capture the same photos with my phone. For action and wildlife photography, where I'll be at a distance and I want to capture as much detail as possible, as quickly as possible, the 300mm lens and Canon T6s are still my best option.

With that said, the S22 Ultra continues to impress. Should I be without my Canon I'm more confident than ever that I can capture the story of what I've witnessed; which is the ultimate goal.

Here's to hoping that Samsung continues to find ways to bend the laws of physics and that my next phone contains a high quality 100x lens.

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Samsung S22 Ultra: Camera Hype vs. Reality

I've had a Galaxy S22 Ultra for about a month and a half. About the only downside to the phone is its weight: it's like carrying around a brick.

Fortunately, the phone's performance outweighs this annoyance. The S-Pen has been the biggest surprise, with quality and features surpassing anything I expected.

The phone's marketing material promised a 10x zoom. Between that and other stats on on camera, I had my expectations set fairly high. Does the S22 meet them? More audaciously, can I finally retire my heavy DSLR relying solely on the S22?

To answer the first question, consider these 'wildlife' pics I captured around my neighborhood using my new S22:

These photos all take advantage of the 10x zoom. In short, I'm impressed. I simply couldn't have captured these shots using past phones. Using a cheap add-on lens I may have gotten similar framing to these pictures, but then the quality would be nowhere near as crisp*. Additionally, the external lens takes time to find and mount. By the then, my subject easily could have moved on.

To me, the 10x zoom is far more than just a marketing gimmick. It really does make a class of otherwise impossible shots possible. My verdict: the s22 does find a way to step up the cell phone camera game, and meets my high expectations.

So, can I retire my DSLR? Hold that thought, I'll cover that in my next post.

*Of course, another way to look at this scenario is that my Galaxy S10+ and a $4.99 plastic lens can at least get into the neighborhood of what the Galaxy S22 Ultra can produce, all at a fraction of the cost. Perhaps that's higher praise for the lens than it is for the S22.

Friday, June 24, 2022

Defeating Blogger's Preview Click Trap

One quirk of Google's Blogger platform is that when you preview posts it sets up an invisible HTML element overlaying the page that keeps click events from being delivered. For example, in preview mode, this link can't be clicked on. In the preview page source code, Google names this element appropriately: blogger-clickTrap. Click trap, indeed.

If you right-mouse click on the preview page and select 'Inspect' you can see the details of this overlay:

Removing the click trap using the inspector panel is straightforward. Add display: none to the blogger-clickTrap element's style and clicks work again.

For years I've either ignored the click trap, or when necessary, manually removed it.

Yesterday, however, I wrote a post that made heavy use of click events. While composing the post I found I needed to frequently refresh the page and then take a few moments to manually remove the overlay. After the 100th time of doing this, I stopped what I was doing and took a moment to consider: could I automatically disable the blogger-clickTrap element?

Tampermonkey to the Rescue

With a few minutes of consideration, I realized that Tampermonkey should be able to save the day. Tampermonkey allows custom code to be injected on the page of your choice. All I needed was to write a few lines of code that would set display: none on the right element when the page loaded, and the click trap would be a distant memory.

I created a new Tampermonkey script to get started:

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Bye-bye clicktrap!
// @namespace
// @version      0.1
// @description  Remove blogger preview's clicktrap
// @author       Ben Simon
// @match*
// @icon
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
    'use strict';
    console.log("Is this thing on?");

I loaded up the preview page and success!

I then updated the code to show that it could find the offending element:

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Bye-bye clicktrap!
// @namespace
// @version      0.1
// @description  Remove blogger preview's clicktrap
// @author       Ben Simon
// @match*
// @icon
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
    'use strict';
    var found = document.querySelector('.blogger-clickTrap');
    console.log("Found it!", found);

And that's where I hit a problem: no matter how or when I queried the document, my Tampermonkey script couldn't find the click trap element. In the inspector, I could see it was there, and yet, I couldn't programatically access it.

After much debugging I realized that the preview page is a generic shell and imports a specific post by using an iframe pointed to https://<something>

my attempts to access the iframe's contents via the main page were being denied, apparently because they weren't from the same origin.

My first thought was: I'm already mucking with these requests, perhaps I can turn off this security policy that's blocking me?

However in my search to figure out how to do this, I realized there's a much simpler solution. I needed to be running my Tampermonkey script not on the preview page, but on **.

When I updated the @match rule on the script above, my code began to work:

Once I was running the Tampermonkey code on the right URL, having it remove the click trap itself was trivial. Here's the final Tampermonkey script:

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Bye-bye clicktrap!
// @namespace
// @version      0.1
// @description  Remove blogger preview's clicktrap
// @author       Ben Simonm
// @match        https://**
// @icon
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
    'use strict';
    var found = document.querySelector('.blogger-clickTrap'); = 'none';

Happy clicking!

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Story Time: The Pumpkin

It all started back in October of 2020 with a delightful trip to the pumpkin patch.

After checking out many pumpkins and taking many pictures, we decided to bring home this little guy.

Rather than carve him up for Halloween, we gave him a bath and put him on display.

When he started to get soft, we put him our backyard to feed the local flora and fauna. And then winter happened.

In the spring time, among all the weeds growing in our backyard were a few pumpkin plants. Once identified, their massive leaves were hard to miss. It was a pumpkin-patch miracle!

For weeks, our pumpkin plants grew. One day, flowers started to appear.

Before we knew it, our back yard was bursting with giant yellow pumpkin flowers. Pumpkin flowers are magnificent.

One day, a tiny pumpkin started growing off one of the plants.

And it grew.

And grew.

Finally, we were heading out of town one weekend and we opted to clip the pumpkin off the vine to keep it from getting noshed on by squirrels.

What can you do with a tiny green pumpkin? First, we carefully extracted and dried the seeds. How amazing is that our one little pumpkin can give us more pumpkins!

With the seeds separated, we turned our attention to cooking the the pumpkin. It was green, so we doubted it would taste good. We followed a 'recipe' a civil war soldier logged in his diary when he found himself with little to eat but a green pumpkin: slice up the pumpkin, add a little salt and sugar, and fry in butter until till tender. It was delicious!

As the last hard frost date approached, we took our dried pumpkin seeds and soaked them in water to get them ready for planting.

When we were confident the ground wasn't going to freeze again, we picked a few places around our property to plant the seeds. To increase our odds of success, we mixed our pumpkin's seeds with a packet of seed we purchased off of Amazon.

A few days later, the seeds sprouted! Of course, this is how plants work and this is all perfectly normal. Still, seeing a sprouting seed feels like witnessing a little miracle.

And now our next generation of pumpkins is growing. Will they grow massive leaves like their daddy did? Will they produce beautiful flowers and maybe even another tasty and beautiful pumpkin? We'll have to wait and see.

The End.