Yesterday I was itching to take a hike, but Shira and the little one were less excited about the sweltering prospect. So we compromised: we hit a section of Holmes Run that begins at Columbia Pike and heads South East'ish.
After doing an hour's worth of out and back on the trail, I realized just how brilliant this route is. The trail takes you along a beautiful wooded stream (technically, a 'run') so it feels like hiking, yet, it's nicely paved, so we could casually push our little one in a stroller. It was an ideal compromise and a destination to remember next time you're looking for an especially simple 'hike.'
One word of caution: this section of Holmes Run passes through the stream about 5 times. For most of the stream crossings, I just powered through with the stroller - with the water being no higher than our umbrella stroller's wheels, and my feet getting soaked. But there was at least one stream crossing that required we stop, take the little one out of the stroller and carefully carry everything across. In my opinion, these water obstacles provide far more fun than difficulty.
You'll notice a shot of some kids playing along the water. We stopped and asked what they were doing, they proudly explained they were fishing. When I asked if they caught anything, they proudly held up a plastic bag filled with water and hefty sized minnows. Someone needs to tell these kids that they're doing it wrong. They're supposed to be indoors playing video games, not outside soaking up nature. All they needed was a cane pole, and you'd have a scene out of Huck Finn.
We also passed two fly fishermen while walking the trail. I asked if they had caught anything, and they had, including a 'Rainbow' each. Even I could see a few fish while making the stream crossings, so Holmes Run definitely has life in it. I'll have to head back with my Dad for an afternoon of fishing.

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