We're in Florida for a family Bar Mitzvah (Mazel Tov Ethan!) and while I had hoped to get in a serious hike, the weather had other plans for us. We watched a massive downpour from our table at a delicious Indian restaurant. When the storm finally let up, we had to do the responsible thing and skip the hike and head to the hotel.
All, however, was not lost. After running some errands we did have some free time. A quick look at Google Maps told me that the Loxahatchee Slough was close enough for us to hit. Here's a tip: Google's directions to the Slough take you to the perimeter without a parking lot or trail in sight. The only thing worse than missing a hike due to weather, is missing a hike because you've got bad directions.
A little further research told us that we wanted to hit Sandhill Crane Access Park to the Slough.
Sure enough, there's a parking lot and other facilities at the advertised address. So that was a good thing.
As for actually getting into the Loxahatchee Slough, that never actually happened. The best we were able to do was follow a trail that wraps around the perimeter of the preserve. We could peek in and see enticing swamp, but the trail to follow seemed to run around the perimeter. Didn't really matter, because we didn't have time to follow them anyway.
Still, Florida wildlife didn't disappoint. Along with interesting swamp scenes, we saw various lizards, a couple of Lubber Grasshoppers, some kind of heron, and other interesting birds. Not bad for wandering along a canal for 15 minutes.

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