Sunday, May 13, 2012

Strawberries, Butterflies and Playgrounds Oh My!

What a weekend we had with Twins! On Friday, we had quite the adventurous day. It started with a trip to Butler Orchard where we picked strawberries. The Twins fairly quickly grasped the notion of picking just the red ones, and leaving the green ones untouched. Man those strawberries were sweet!

After picking berries, we randomly decided to head over to Brookside Gardens. What a gem this place is! I've never heard it mentioned in any guidebook, yet it's a top notch set of gardens with excellent grounds and interesting specimens (like the fragrance garden, originally designed for the blind). The highlight was the butterfly conservatory they currently have open, which was a real hit with the Twinners. It's hard to beat such an up close and personal exhibit.

Saturday was spent playing around the house, having friends come visit, and whooping it up at the local playground.

All in all, it was an amazing weekend. Our 7 year old did awesome, and enjoyed playing the role of older cousin. We can't wait for them to come back and visit again. It was such fun!


  1. What a fun weekend! Looks like you guys may need a bigger car if you keep up the visits. ;-) The twins are so cute! You don't have to worry about mixing up which is which though, huh? :-)

  2. Yeah, for twins, they couldn't be more different. Well, I suppose they're the same in that they're both adorable beyond compare!

    Dovid noted a number of times that our tiny Acura wasn't as big as his Minivan. And when we left Brookside Gardens, Chanah stopped in front of a minivan and pronounced "we go in that one."

  3. Anonymous7:18 AM

    Hi Ben, the pix of the twinners are so cute! I wish my mom in Louisville could see them. I tried sending her the link to your blog, but her school blocks it.
    Can you please send some of the twin pix to her directly, or to me and I'll forward to her?
    Shabbat Shalom and chodesh tov,
    Rebecca (aka AuntieBeh)

  4. Rebecca -

    I'd be glad to send some pictures directly to you. Send me an e-mail at and I'll respond with some photos.

