Monday, August 29, 2011

Irene's Aftermath (Or lack thereof)

We took a walk into DC yesterday, after Hurricane Tropical rain storm Irene passed us by. A few comments about the photos below:

  • During our walk, most of the traffic signals were still out from the night before. So, I suppose *some* damage was done the night before.
  • Yes, that is a multi-layer, from scratch, lemon cake that Shira made Friday night. If were going to go without power for the weekend, we were going to do it by eating an incredibly delicious cake. I assume she chose lemon to reduce our chance of contracting scurvy.
  • We made it to the MLK memorial, and it really was outstanding.
  • As you can see, the day turned out to be a sunny and delightful one

1 comment:

  1. hey don't diss Irene... by all definition it was a Hurricane when we were all being affected by it. We were just fortunate to be far enough away where we only felt is 'rain' affect of the storm :-)
