Wednesday, June 03, 2009

A Weather Man I'm Not

To go for a run, or not to go for a run? I checked, and while they were calling for rain, my reading of the radar was that it wasn't going to hit till 10pm tonight. I had plenty of time.

I even had the thought, as I was running, that with the technology getting so good we won't even need weather people.

And of course, I was totally wrong. A few minutes after I finished my run, the sky opened up and we had this:

Arlington Rain on

Take Weather Man off my list of natural abilities. That's what I get for backcasting.


  1. Woooooah. That's some nice flooding there. Go Shira for driving in it. heh

  2. Yeah, you can hear me ask, at the end of the video - "can we even drive through that?"

    Your sister gave me a Hell Yeah! And did :-)
